Sunday, August 31, 2008

Activities during pregnancy (my first DIY sushi)

Before pregnant, normally every 2 weeks we will have badminton playing session, with my ex-roommates. Or we will going out to park / garden for walking, picnic or photo taking.

I like travel, before I get to know I was pregnant, we already booked air ticket to Bali in July 2008. During my 4th month of pregnancy, total 8 of us (friends, husband and I) visited Bali for 5D4N trip. It was wonderfull trip. Here is our bali photo:

So what I can do during pregnancy? em, watching movie, go shopping for baby stuff, reading books, writing blog, ya, cooking at home!

Picture on the left shows my first DIY sushi photo taken by my lovely husband. The taste was not as nice as it looks, haha, not enough vinegar and salt. I will do it better for next time!

Besides sushi, husband and I also learned how to do the Milo Cake! It was taste good and succesfull! I refer to my friend recipi written in her blog:

Weight gain during pregnancy

I went for regular checkup on last Thursday (my baby 25th weeks). The Ultrasound scan shows my baby fingers and her 'pet pet', to double confirm my little one is a baby girl!

You guess what, my weight gained about 7kg! now I am about 48kg hehe ^_^ My baby weight is about 1.1kg, so my husband asked me where is the 6kgs gone to? haha....

Based on the antenatal programme, below are the recommended rate of weight gain: -

  • 1st Trimester (1-12th weeks): 1-3.5kg
  • 2nd & 3rd trimester: gain 2kg every month
  • Total weight gain: 11-15kg (depends on individual BMI)
  • How the weight distributed?

    • Fetus (baby): 3.2kg
    • Blood volume 1.3kg
    • Mammary grands 0.4kg
    • Womb: 1.0kg
    • Placenta: 0.7kg
    • Amniotic fluid: 0.8kg
    • Fat & nutrient stores: 3.5kg
    • Retained water: 1.5kg
    • Total: 12.4kg

    Thursday, August 28, 2008

    My little one is baby girl!

    When I reached 20th weeks, my doctor arranged the detailed scan session to ensure baby is well developed. Doctor scanned the size of head, stomach, heart, kidney and more parts of the body that I may not aware off.

    Remember to drink more water and not go to pass urine before go for scanning. The whole process takes about 30 minutes, then the report will be immediately available for analysis. The report shows my baby is well developed and the size is just nice, in average.

    The most excited thing in this detailed scan is, we are able to know our baby gender! The doctor scan the middle part between the baby legs. We are not expert, so not very sure how to see girls or boys haha.... My little on is baby girl!

    I like girl. My husband is ok with both gender for the first child. Of course both of us hope the 2nd child will be opposite gender --> baby boy! In Chinese, 'good' wording is combination of 'female' and 'male' !

    My colleague recommended a website to predict gender of the baby. Input the mummy’s age and the month of conception into this website: However, I did count for my friends and colleagues, the accuracy percentage are only about 60% (5 out of 8 are correct).

    Refer to this website, promoting a e-book: How to choose the gender of your baby!

    Basically the gentle selection system in this book focuses on 3 steps as below:-

    • Timing and PH Level
    • Minor diet adjustment
    • Specify intercourse position

    Based on 12,000 couples, the success rate of the ‘system’ is about 94%. The cost of the e-book is about USD$47 (as of 29 Aug 2008). The author mentioned that she will return the money back if couple not able to conceive the gender of their choice! It is worth to try, right!

    Antenatal Programme

    Pregnancy is probably the most exciting period in any woman's life. It is a time of happiness and joy. But it will also be a time of great emotional and physical change. Therefore I decided to attend the Antenatal Programme to help understand the changes associated with pregnancy and prepares myself for labour.

    Many hospital in Singapore offer this kind of antenatal programme to patient and public. They will encourage couple to start at 16 weeks of pregnancy. In KKH, this programme consists of 9 one-and-a-half hour sessions. One session per week, 6.30pm - 8.15pm for weekday class, 9am-10.45am & 11.15am-1.00pm for Saturday class.

    Basically below are the main topic/sections covered: -
    • Nutrition during pregnancy
    • Medications in pregnancy
    • Looking after yourself during pregnancy
    • Labour and Delivery
    • Pain Relief in Labour
    • Relaxation method
    • Coping with 1st stage and 2nd stage and 3rd stage of labour
    • Postnatal exercise
    • Preparing for admission
    • Breastfeeding
    • Care of your newborn
    • Nurturing your baby
    • The ABCs of Vaccinations

    Below are the fees for KKH patients and non-kkh patients

    KKH Patients

    • $120.00 for Weekday classes
    • $150.00 for Saturday classes

    Non-KKH Patients

    • $150.00 for Weekday classes
    • $180.00 for Saturday classes

    As KKH staff, myself get additional 50% off ^-^

    Screening for Down Syndrome (12th weeks)

    When reach 11th - 14th weeks, Doctor will recommend for detailed scan for Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome is the most common cause of learning difficulties in newborn babies. It occurs in 1 out of every 700 babies.

    Anyone can have a baby with Down Syndrome, regardless of age, family history or ethnic background. However, a woman's risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome increases with age.

    Below are 3 types of packages provided in KKH: -
    • Package A: Ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks, detection rate:80%, Price ~ $165
    • Package B: Ultrasound scan and Blood test at 11-14 weeks, detection rate: 90%, Price ~$330
    • Package C: Ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks, Blood test at 15-20 weeks, detection rate: 90%, Price~$280

    I chosen Package B. During the ultrasound scan, the doctor focused on the thickness and visible of the skin and bone of the back-neck, as well as the visible of the nose bone. The results was available on 2 working days after blood test. The report will show the analysis and most important the posibility and percentage after complicated formula taking place.

    My baby scan (7th weeks)

    I felt so nervous because this time scan doctor can tell us whether is twins. Our appointment was about 8.30am, but we reach The Private Suite 15 minutes early.

    I like children but I do not hope is twins because I worry not able to provide efficient nutrients to both babies, how and who going to take of 2 new born at the same time? I prefer to take exam paper one by one in different timing hehe...

    In the last scan, doctor not able to see the baby because of the fetus size was too small for ultrasound to detect. I worried is twins, at the same time I worried what if no baby in both waterbag?

    Thanks god, fortunately we saw a smal fetus (baby) sleeping in one of the water bag. The heartbeat was strong and clearly visible. Another water bag looks much smaller, doctor mentioned that it will be getting smaller and disappear.

    My expected due date is 11 Dec 2008. My small baby was about 1.2cm!

    Saturday, August 23, 2008

    My baby first scan (5th weeks)

    I am working in KK Women and Children Hospital. Once we tested my pregnancy using the tester, we immediately made an appointment with doctor in KKH. Because KK offers good discount rate for staff, I chosen Consultant Dr. Irene Chua in Private Suite.

    Picture on the left shows the my baby first scan in the 5th week! You guess what, I have Twins in the very early stage! Doctor told us there were 2 water bags, 50% is twin! Because now is in very early stage where still cannot see the baby in both waterbags. Next appointment will be 2 weeks later.

    It is unbelievable! My husband was so excited but I felt worry. My size was too small and I dont think I can support 2 babies in my tummy hehe....

    During this period, I shared my happiness and worries with my husband, my sister, my mummy and few colleagues.

    First time mother

    I am first time mother. Husband and I planned to have our own children since marriage in Dec 2007.

    With 3 months of 'hardwork', wonderful news come to us in mid of April 2008. My period was delayed about 10 days and we can't wait to buy a pregnancy tester in Watson. Yeah...... the result was lovely, husband and I were so excited!

    For the first 2 months, I did not feel a lot of changes or so called pregnancy symptoms. My breasts felt a bit tender compared to before. Then starting from 3rd month to 4th months, I experienced morning sickness whereby no appetite especially for dinner. Sometimes vomit. It may help to eat small meals throughout the day, snack on crackers or toast, or drink juice or lemonade. From 4th-5th months onward, the situation getting better and better ^-^