Friday, December 31, 2010

my new friend

"I like to talk to my new friend when mummy they all 'ignore' me...."

Fig & Olive

Long time didn't go out for shopping and meal (proper meal) after delivery.
Jo Ee very cooperative and sleep thru while we taking our meal ^-^
Hubby complimented the lamb chop in this restaurant 'Fig & Olive' very nice! Jo En enjoy her kid's meal too...

Monday, December 27, 2010


巧恩生日那时候,是巧怡刚满月不久,所以都没时间好好为巧恩选一份礼物,今天就带她到 Toys "R" Us 选礼物咯。

Saturday, December 25, 2010


每次喝完奶,妈咪就是这样帮我 '打厄' 的,不给我睡觉!

New Activities

I want follow daddy and mummy go playing ball.

Keep my things ready first...

Em, is this pose okay? Sure the ball will not kena my face... hehe...



两个月,5.4kgs ,脾气 不小,不是一盏省油的灯哦!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

One vs Two

Before this, I always heard from friends, saying that when they have one child, the couple still can handle well and enjoy, but when there are two kids, it will be challenging journey! haha, I start to believe it! Luckily hubby is a good helper to take care Jo En, so I can focus on Jo Ee. However, I will try to spend time and play with Jo En.
I hope time flies faster, I always imagine, when Jo En is 4 years old and Jo Ee is 2 years old, they can play and accompany each other, then we can have a cup of coffee and goyang kaki! haha....

Thursday, October 21, 2010


这一胎,我一开始就决定planned caesarean,老公也赞成。预产期是18-10-2010,我们俩一致想到 10-10-2010,哈哈,医生也一口答应。开始我还担心宝宝会耐不住,等不到39th周,还好她听话,乖乖的等到这个美丽的日子!

当天,12.30pm 吃了妈煮的美味午餐,1pm 开始就不能进食和水。准备好了,我和老公一起带巧恩到nanny家让nanny照顾巧恩,不知道是什么心情,我偷偷哭了,老公笑我是傻瓜。4pm 左右,我们到 KKH 办 admission 手续,然后就在ward 等。医生有跟我说过手术大概会在8pm进行。我们等呀等呀,时间还真难过,老实说,这么多个月以来,我都没有认真的害怕过,但在那等待的几个小时,即紧张又害怕又期待!

大概8pm,我们就被安排到OT room,等麻醉师讲解,填一些forms,等呀等呀,心情更是紧张。后来老公就被安派去换衣服,我就被带去打麻醉药!这时老公不在身边,但还好有亲切的护士和麻醉师。接着我的双脚就开始麻了,大家忙着准备,Dr.Irene Chua 和几位助手也进来了,我的前面被隔着一块布,也不知道他们几时开时'动手'! 老公这时在我身边,麻醉师叫他坐下,哈哈,可能怕他会晕到吧。虽然我不感觉痛,但还是可以感觉到过程,这种感觉很难型容,好象有一粒球在肚子里过山车!很快的,不到五分钟,我们就听到宝宝哇哇大哭!

曾巧怡 (Chin Jo Ee, 3.11kg), 我们又多了一个宝贝了!爸爸妈咪祝福你,健康快乐,快高长大。

Friday, October 8, 2010




Saturday, September 4, 2010



Sunday, August 8, 2010

Help papa gardening

Everytime husband go out to take care of his plant, Jo En always the first one jump up from sofa, even though she is watching her lovely cartoon, she will follow daddy go outside to 'ke po'.

That day is windy, so daddy quickly make a beautiful '风车' for her ^-^