Friday, December 31, 2010

my new friend

"I like to talk to my new friend when mummy they all 'ignore' me...."

Fig & Olive

Long time didn't go out for shopping and meal (proper meal) after delivery.
Jo Ee very cooperative and sleep thru while we taking our meal ^-^
Hubby complimented the lamb chop in this restaurant 'Fig & Olive' very nice! Jo En enjoy her kid's meal too...

Monday, December 27, 2010


巧恩生日那时候,是巧怡刚满月不久,所以都没时间好好为巧恩选一份礼物,今天就带她到 Toys "R" Us 选礼物咯。

Saturday, December 25, 2010


每次喝完奶,妈咪就是这样帮我 '打厄' 的,不给我睡觉!

New Activities

I want follow daddy and mummy go playing ball.

Keep my things ready first...

Em, is this pose okay? Sure the ball will not kena my face... hehe...



两个月,5.4kgs ,脾气 不小,不是一盏省油的灯哦!