Last week we bring Jo En to Haw Ing condo swimming pool, Jo En enjoy bathing at home, so we thought swimming will be a great experience for her. But seems we are wrong! Baby many 'first time' must be handled well :p hehe...
6.35pm, almost time for milk and a nap ....

Jo En looks around, wah! such a big bathtub and a lots of water...
Em, warming up first ....

"Mummy, I scare ler, water is cool ...."
"Eee... what is this uncomfortable things !! I scared daddy help..."
"Mummy still ignore me even though I complained many times, mummy and aunty keep on enjoy photo shooting!"
"I am serious! I dont want to play anymore...."
"Luckily I bring my duck duck friend to accompany me..."
Actually we are quite surprise she dont like swimming, later we brainstormed, maybe it is because the timing is not right, maybe the warm up period is too short? or she dont like the neck float at all (but we are enjoy while seeing her floating with the neck float, cruel adult!).Yesterday we attended a trial swimming class for infant, the course is conducted by a young ang mo, basically is to make infant comfortable with water. The trainer talk softly to baby, sing song, playing games (with balls), swing baby slowly in the water, etc. Even though Jo En did not smile thru out the lesson, but she did not reject as well, she seems was attracted by the ang mo trainer and forgot she was swimming in a big bathtub again....